
Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Settling down wasn’t difficult for mama. Has she entered her room; I took her driver to the room at the boy’s quarters. The first complain from mama was the colour of the bed sheet and curtains. She hates red as she said though. Thus we had to look for brighter colours to change the fabrics in the room.
Rushing out of room’s adventure; I had to make breakfast for my mother in law. I got the normal cereal and set all for tea. Toasted the bread and fried the sausage. Garnished the sides with fried eggs also. While all was set walked into mama’s room to tell her table was set. She said thank you my daughter. 
She walked to the dinning and called us to join her. I just finished having my bath so Patrick was on the table first. I got myself clothed and hurriedly came out of the room to join mama for breakfast. Surprisingly she was not eating. She said on Sundays she eats fried rice for breakfast, pounded yam for lunch and fries for dinner. I nearly fainted when I heard this. It simply means there is a time table for mama’s food and I’m about to obey. 
I started the fried rice preparation, and in thirty minutes it was ready. I served her and she commented on how good it was. That was the only good thing about the morning. I have totally lost my appetite, but I knew I had to eat. I got a glass of juice for myself and tried to rest a little. When the sitting room bell banged twelve noon; mama walked outside to the living room for the second part of disturbance in one day. Patrick ooooh, Mati ooooh, that’s the worst way to call my name. Grudgingly we came out to see mama wearing her goggles, with three bibles and two devotionals. Since we didn’t go to church today, let us pray.
We sang three boring songs before she noticed I didn’t cover my hair. I got a scarf and joined them again. We had to sing those songs again and afterwards the prayers started.
We started with Our Father, followed by three Hail Mary and one glory be to the father…….
Mama: In Jesus name
Father we thank you for this wonderful Sunday. You had made it Sunday and not Monday. If you wanted it to be Monday, it would have been Monday but you preferred Sunday. Accept our thanks in Jesus name. Lord we particularly gather this morning to pray for fruits of the womb. We stand against the spirit of barrenness, Father, come and break it loose. We pray against any familiar or unfamiliar spirit, there are people who are ogbanje and they didn’t know some are witches and they didn’t know… hmmm Father we commit Matilda our daughter into your fatherly hands, that any occult she might have joined consciously or unconsciously come and break her loose in Jesus name. Being pregnant is not difficult we know, and she is still not pregnant Father, I waste the blood of Jesus on her. Loose her o lord. Break her away from them. Let her be your child. Any covenant she might have struck with those people Father, come and break it in Jesus name. We glorify you Father …… in Jesus name we pray amen  
So Patrick said baby say the Grace for us
Matilda: may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with us; teach us to be good mothers, teach us not to come and ruin people’s home, teach us not to suspect our daughters as ogbanje or occultic in nature, teach us how to stay in our houses and teach our husbands also to talk when necessary…. This and many more we ask through Christ our lord.
And nobody said Amen.
The service was over without opening the bible. Messages have been sent across to whoever can understand. I need to stand up to this woman before she frustrates life out of me. Here is the man I married who always allows things to pass. I called Patrick to the room and told him I won’t be staying at home with mama. Truthfully I’ll be going out before you and when you get back home; call me I’ll come back. We argued a little and later agreed that I can go to my father’s house for the first week of mama’s arrival. After nine o clock news, sleep was a necessity for mama. 
We greeted good night like cat and mouse and in all states I was ready for her. I went in to sleep before Patrick but I always know when he enters. It was around two o clock in the middle of the night that mama shouted from her room. Patrick and I woke up and ran to her room. We saw her sitting on the bed saying she had a nightmare. Someone wanted to strangle her to death. We sat close to her and sincerely I was petting her. It got messy after a while that she was sleeping off on Patrick’s arm. We lay her on the bad and were leaving the room when mama woke up and said:
I’m coming with you people, only me cannot sleep in this room abeg…………

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