
Sunday, June 19, 2016


I have always heard about rape, but now I just understood what it was. I woke up in the hospital and beside me was Patrick, my mum, my sister and Betty. It was the fourth day before I was found by the police. I had been raped I know, but the truth was, it was hard for me to believe. I had glimpse of what happened in the uncompleted building still flashing through my mind. Everybody was happy I opened my eyes, but I felt like dying. I thought to myself if I was dead it would have been better……… many other thoughts were roaming until the doctor entered the ward I was kept. He held my hand to check my pulse, and was opening my eyes wide. I gathered all my strength and asked the doctor softly “how is my baby”. He said all is well. I was so happy. Then Patrick bent beside me with a kiss, and told me to keep quiet and rest. 
The memories were agonizing as it took forever for me to forget them. I was in the hospital for another 24 hours but now I could talk. It was the next morning it struck me that my mother in law hasn’t shown up to the hospital to show sympathy. I asked how she was, and everyone responded she was fine. 
The doctor discharged with so many drugs and rules on how to live for the next couple of days, to finalize the healing. A psychologist came and talked to me also about the whole rape thing. I hated the advice; as it made me remember the whole incident that happened to me. It was from the psychologist, that I knew it was three days of agony I passed through. 
We passed through mama’s house to pack my things and go to our house. I have begged my mum to come stay with us a little, while I heal. She needed to go home first, to tell my father about my state. The car horn was extra low as I was kept as a patient that needed no noise. I guessed mama wasn’t at home, thus I hurried to pack my things. I came down from the car to point out some things to Patrick as we entered the sitting room. To my greatest surprise mama was there making her nails, and reading the book she bought. With a side eye she looked at us, and greeted welcome oooo.
I was about going into shock again. I sat in the sitting room without responding to her greeting. It was when Patrick brought out my box that he broke the other camel’s back.
Mama: En en my son, that lady Chinyere is in your house now. I said she should be helping you before your so called wife would recover. 
I turned to her and said thank you mama and we left. When I got home, the stench of Chinyere has taken over the house. She helped with the bags into the house. I asked where she was staying and she said visitor’s room. I told her to get her things and move to the boys quarters which she did. After thirty minutes she came back to the house to ask what she could help with, and I softly told her not to bother for the day again. She spent the next three days that way…..
After two days I was strong enough to fight the real fight for my family. Patrick called me aside and told me we’ve lost the baby. I was broken but not as much as how mama as lied about what happened. When I told him what happened; he promised he was never going to see his mum nor talk to her again. Men are just too weak though. I narrated how mama wanted me to sleep with someone else, and how I ran out of the place. The keke driver and those other guys were supposed to have rescued me, not knowing they had intentions. 
Patrick started crying and held me in apology. I could see the disgust in his eyes. He wanted his mother dead if possible. It was at this point his confessions started. 
Patrick: mama had told me another thing completely. She said you were the one that invited the boys to the church. That they really came with charms with my name marked on it. That the deliverance she had been talking about was what saved me. When she even reported about you being missing; she made it look like you ran away. It was the fact from the kidnappers that exposed they were sent to bring someone for rituals but your pregnancy made you impossible for their rituals. Mama said that it was better for me to build a better future for myself, and that was what Chinyere was sent here for. I believed her a little before I knew my wife wouldn’t do that. I transferred you from the hospital she knew, and brought you to Polson hospital. Hmmm mama is wicked.
We both cried and held ourselves and made proclamations of love one more time.
I was fully recovered and now it’s the time to deal with mama. I needed to show her my truest colour and the aspect I’m coming from cannot be understood. The first approach was the approach of a fake pastor and the move was the best. He dressed in his white garment with a bell and a KJV bible as he marched to Mabushi area in Abuja. Mama’s hairdresser could only afford to get a shop at Mabushi. Mama loves her for her tittle-tattle and things. Julius had walked into the street ringing the bell in a call for repentance that the kingdom of God was at hand. The noise was loud and calling thus many wanted to complain. It was the complain mode that brought mama out and that was the first …….

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