
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Only survivor to escape Orlando club’s bathroom says killer was ‘laughing fanatically’

The only survivor to escape the bathroom of the Orlando shooting nightclub has revealed how gunman Omar Mateen laughed fanatically as he slaughtered his victims. Norman Casiano, 26, was shot four times as he hid along with 30 others in the bathroom of Pulse nightclub.
But now out of hospital after just one day, he has recalled the attack which left 49 people dead and another 53 injured. Speaking to Local 10 News,  the 26-year-old said he threw himself to the ground and made his way to the bathroom after the first two shots were fired. He said as he was hidden in the bathroom, a clubber stumbled in, bleeding as he collapsed on the floor.
Unable to fit in to the stalls because they were so packed, the man was still on the floor as Mateen entered and shot him one more time. ‘The scary part was that he didn’t say anything, and what’s scarier than that when he shot the boy that was already shot, he laughed,’ Norman said.

‘And as he’s laughing as he fires through the whole front of the stall. That’s when I got my first wound.’ Mateen then turned his attention to the others trapped inside the cubicles, placing his gun over the top of the stalls and spraying bullets towards them.
Norman survived by crawling over the bodies of his best friends, escaping using the same hole Mateen would eventually try and escape through. Deyni Ventura, a local pastor, told that Casiano had a miraculous escape.

‘He was laughing fanatically as he sprayed people with the gun,’ she said Casiano told her. ‘He was going “ha, ha, ha” as he shot them.’ ‘God was definitely with Norman on this day, his 26th birthday.’

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