
Friday, July 1, 2016

Working Harder Not Smarter

Success is something we have been accustomed to strive for since we were young. As we grow older and progress to higher education and the workforce, we are not only told to “work smarter not harder,” but also are pressured to do so due to a variety of time constraints and a plethora of responsibilities. One of the biggest lessons that my first year of college taught me is that in pursuit of shortcuts within our journey to achieve success, many of us forget that working smarter should not be a substitute for cutting corners. Working harder ultimately complements working smarter in order to help us achieve much more than just success.
Don’t Fall Apart When Your Plans Do
As an individual who is primarily focused on planning out every step of her life, I find it ironic that I learned the most when those plans seemed to fail. My calendar consisted of spending weeks preparing for midterms, trying out for different clubs, applying for numerous jobs, networking with various professionals, and pursuing interests such as photography and henna, all while attending classes, participating in sports, and still attempting to maintain my relationships with friends and family. I couldn’t do it all. Feeling spread too thin, I reconciled that it was key to make sure that I began to be more adaptable when encountering situations where my plans fell apart, whether this be upon failing a midterm or being rejected from a club or job. Although encountering some failure and rejection is inevitable, I realized that creating further disappointment by criticizing my work ethic in the context of my failures, an eye-opening revelation. I would much rather be disappointed by the result than by the dedication that I put into my work. This is what keeps me motivated and driven to achieve my goals.
Strengthen Yourself In All Realms of Life   
Overcoming failures and achieving a long-term goal, such as getting into college or getting a job offer, is undoubtedly a time to commend yourself and be thankful for your accomplishments. However, it’s also a point in time where many of us forget to set greater goals and get too comfortable with our work ethic. We often forget that reaching one goal should only encourage us to aim for something more substantial so that we can continue broadening our horizons and learn even more. For example, upon starting college, we must not only stay focused upon grades but can also explore various extracurriculars or pursue job opportunities. Similarly, upon getting a job, we must not only maintain our credentials to keep it but can also prolong professional growth by networking with various co-workers in different departments or even outside of the industry. Just as a versatile athlete trains in all realms of life, a hard working individual continues strengthening their work ethic and objectives despite the failures or accomplishments they encounter. 
Don’t Let Criticism Shake Your Foundation
Criticism is around the corner, no matter what you do or how you do it. To achieve your goal, you set your own priorities and create your own path. Others may have a similar goal, however the views and priorities they have may not align with yours, leading them to dole out criticism without regard. As a part of my extracurricular activities, I reached out to dozens of speakers and alumni and attended many networking events. Even though I deemed this significant towards my personal growth, I still received much criticism as others felt that this was unnecessary and exorbitant. Criticism such as this can often be condescending, unrelenting, and can really shake one’s foundation; however it’s important to keep in mind that others may not see how this plays into the pursuit of your goal, they merely see the misalignment with their path. By continuing to do what I felt was right, I ended up gaining many opportunities such as being able to speak one-on-one with Eric Toda, the Global Head of Social Media and Content- Brand Marketing at Airbnb. Although it can be helpful to gain other people’s perspectives, you shouldn’t let that draw you away from what you want to achieve.
Piece Together Your Own “Success”
If “success” was a puzzle, it’s true that some pieces may fit together out of mere luck, but to complete the rest of the puzzle you’d have to have work patiently and diligently. While working smartly and efficiently are certainly effective methods for success, it is also essential that we remember hard work is an absolute necessity if one wants to truly get the most out of every experience.

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