
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Campus Series: Silent Doom with mr Lecturer part 8(the end)

Mr Osagie was in police cell for five days before he was granted bail. He has started from the height to learn his lesson. With Osagie out of our way, and Adewumi’s ball in our hands, the final target was Uncle Ben.

I didn’t need Jpapa again, I needed someone more of an actor, and thus I proceeded to the popular Agabalado hostel to seek vengeance. The hostel had a crew of strong hearted guys, who could do anything you think of. Getting close was only the problem. I sneaked my way into their midst as junior picked interest in me. Saying no to sex in this crew seems disrespectful, therefore its better you date one of them, and be secured from the rest.

I told junior how Uncle Ben humiliated me, and he said there was nothing they could do. At this point, I knew Uncle Ben should be one of them or very close to them. I painted the story so well that anger was built in their mind. Junior and frank asked me what I wanted, and I said whatever, but I need him to feel the pains he had caused me.  It was time to frame Uncle Ben up. It would have been easier for them to beat him up, but I don’t need those criminal acts around me.

Uncle Ben is so smart he leaves no trail on his way. He makes his prey “100 level students’’ and dwell on their naivety to succeed. He has slept with over 100 students and 90% were in their first year in school. He doesn't threaten with failure… sincerely he doesn't fail. He is just too nice, and all it’s used for is open legs.  All the suggestions from junior and his friends seem either too complicated or too simple. We were friends till I was in 300 level, before the final plan came out and that was the end of humiliation to female students in the imperial University of Ibadan.

It was going to be his route against him. You need to be very smart to beat him. School had just resumed and the focus was needed. We need another girl to get very close to him. We thought of what tribe could do this and we got an Ibibio. Emem was the girl. She came into school for fashion and show off. Emem is extremely beautiful, and a subject of pride in womanhood. Uncle Ben came after her, but we were there before him. He told her all his lies but none was going to work, because Emem was fully part of us.

Emem asked Uncle Ben to marry her if he was serious, and he was really planning to. She pulled him closer to herself; that he lost sight of all other girls on campus. For a whole semester, the so called bad guy lecturer had no other affair, apart from Emem. He was dedicated and committed to his future as he presumed he was on track. The gist ruled the rumors in school when Uncle Ben was kissed by Emem in public. She did that to assure him she wanted it too. I doubted it a lot of times because you can’t be sure of ladies around Uncle Ben. It was a done deal, but we need people to pull the tricks and stand by it.

Exams were close and Uncle Ben was lecturing both first and second year students. Exam questions are to be kept as secret, particularly from students but not wife or fiancee. Emem’s final assignment was to locate the questions, and leak it to us. She did that four days before the exam was to be written.

The spread was much as almost all students got it. It was sold by junior and his friends so they made it look like it was business from the lecturer. It was going to be an examination like an assignment, and many dullards would still copy the answers into the exams hall. As planned so it was.

Agabalado boys have arranged many non students; to enter the exam hall to write exams that day.  Carrying ID cards that don’t belong to them, just to show there was a leakage in the papers. In twenty minutes they were done and they left the hall. The invigilators started suspecting foul play as everybody was finishing on time. They stopped the paper and told all students to stand up in lecture hall 4. Same was going on in other lecture halls. Altogether 55 students were caught with the answers to a question which is supposed to be a secret.

Uncle Ben came out and started ranting. Shouting he needs an explanation. How come my questions leaked? He accused exams and record department for the leakage. He questioned the integrity of the registry, and called for an investigation. He never knew he was about to expose himself. The students that were caught were asked how they got the question, and all pointed at junior and his clique of friends.

School security harassed them over the question, and their confession was Uncle Ben gave us to sell for him. Uncle Ben looked into their eyes and said he knew nothing about it. Now the registry, exams and records and everyone wrongly accused; demanded an apology from Uncle Ben. He was stunned when his so called girlfriend and fiancée Emem, stood in front of the panel in school and said

Emem: I’m a Christian and my religion doesn't allow me to bear false witness. I and Ben had been having an affair since I resumed, but that is personal. I don’t want him to ruin the lives and future of these students, by denying he didn’t tell them to go and make money for him by selling those questions. We had an argument afterwards, and he told me I don’t know how he survived being a lecturer. I didn’t pray they should catch any of them; but with their future at stake, I think I must say the truth.  I Emem Igobie, do solemnly swear that Ben Opule sold those questions. Thank you

Ben walked out of the panel with tears in his eyes. He was no longer to function in the world of academia. He was dismissed and the girl he has loved the most had helped in his downfall. I am happy I’m writing these because many more ladies like me couldn’t stand up to pay them back in coins even bigger than theirs. My name is Ijeoma Bello and I’m also a lecturer’s wife….. I wish my husband reads this cos his stories are getting too much

by Oluwole Ijasan

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