
Sunday, June 19, 2016


And that was her first encounter with Pastor Julius. It was an orchestrated move from a wife that needs her mother in law out of her family. Pastor Julius walked into the hairdressing salon and greeted all the women “peace unto you all”. Whoever comes with peace must also be greeted with peace. Pastor Julius continued with a short prayer, and from that moment, prophecies and visions from the twenty seconds prayer was the order of the day. 
He picked on mama immediately, and started telling her things about herself that no stranger should have known. How many children she has and that her husband is late. How she gave birth to the son. That she has a son married but not living with her. When it got to my part of her story, she became most attentive. 
Pastor Julius made mama understand that the future of the family lies in me. But the future might not be met because they are tampering with it. He told mama to apologize to me if she has offended me, and make sure they pamper me without reasons. She believed all pastor Julius as told her. She dipped her hand inside her bag to bless the work of the pastor but he refused. What God has sent him to deliver is for no fee. That increased how genuine he was; thus his number was collected for further consultation. 
Immediately he left the place, he called me. I called my husband that I want to tell him something. Sweetheart I had a dream, that mama came to the house to apologize to us. But she had come with some spiritual powers that the more we listened to her; the worse things would happen in our family. But I know it might just be a dream anyway.
When mama got home, she became restless. She doesn't want to do anything that would jeopardize the future of her only son, so she packed some food stuffs, stopped at a supermarket to beef it up, and straight to our house she came. This was almost three hours after I narrated my dream. It was Patrick that first saw mama. She called the driver and the security to pack the things out of the car and Patrick stopped. For the first time he looked into his mother’s eyes, and asked what those things are meant for. She said she just came to apologize…… the moment Patrick heard “apologize” he sent her out of his house, and told her not to ever come again. 
I have all the rights in my house now, and I can do whatever pleases me. I ran outside in the middle of all these and knelt down to greet mama but Patrick shouted at me also. He told me to get inside, thus I blinked at mama that I’ll come see her later. 
The next morning saw me at the Maitama mansion to hear what she has to say. I was now the link between mother and son, and that is how it’s supposed to be. I blamed myself for not knowing this ever since. When I saw mama crying I felt so bad, but I can’t compromise my happiness for her pains. I encouraged her a while and proceeded into advice, that I’ll talk to Patrick and find out why he is behaving that irrational. She begged me for all she has done, and as I was leaving, Mrs Fatima was walking into the house. She saw mama crying also and asked what it was. I just greeted them and was off. 
The presence of Mrs Fatima didn’t send any message to me. Mama had narrated the whole episode her extended family is turning into. She is a compassionate woman, thus she invited her to another place and that was in Ogorimagogo.
 I made breakfast that morning for my husband and I. Normally I boil one egg then fry one for him. We sat at the dining table together and even had a short prayer before something came over him. He looked at the fried egg and told me it was smaller than the boiled egg. He complained about eggs so well, that he said he wasn’t eating again. He walked into his room to get his jacket and mistakenly it was on the floor. It dropped when I was closing the wardrobe. Before I could finish my statement the first slap arrived. I didn’t gain my consciousness till I heard the front door close. The next three weeks saw Patrick eating in his mother’s house. I hurriedly called Julius for renewal of lies and surprisingly when he was speaking with me; he was in the same place with mama and Patrick. Then I knew something was really wrong. 
I had nowhere to go. I had to do something. I visited Betty in her office and told her my problems. Her secretary overheard what we were saying and suggested a venue for my deliverance. It was going to be a long trip to Ijebu Ode (the land of the spirits).

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